Monday, September 16, 2019


I'm afraid of ghosts, because you can't stab them with swords.

youtube vs bitchute

over the last several months, we have seen googletube become censorius, taking down Varg's channel and deboosting many other rightist channels.
so we have begun the switch to bitchute.
project veritas has shown internal google documents exposing libtard political bias.
it used to be that libtard hippies hated big business, and advocated for small business, but then somehow a bunch of them infiltrated businesses; & now small business is a conservative thing.
also, this is clown world. HONK HONK

Friday, June 14, 2019

reading the article here on babycenter

leaving a comment on this babycenter article babycenter article on birthplan

I have had 3 babies and am about to have my 4th. I am so annoyed by the assumption that I would have to go labor and deliver in a hospital. I had my second child in at home water birth, and will do the same henceforth. I cannot stand the meddlesomeness of nurses and doctors. I much prefer a midwife. my birthplan is "leave me alone". my body instinctively knows what to do in labor. I recommend reading "childbirth without fear" by Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, and learn about the "Fear-tension-pain" syndrome, and you will realize that delivery need not be painful.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

This will take a new direction. I will go looking back at old arguments on other platforms to post here, and will update new arguments from other platforms to post here. I enjoy a good argument. I have been using GAB & Dissenter; but also some twitter, youtube, bitchute, disqus, etc.